First time wasn't that bad . Weaving leaves into a 'leaves ball' and it last for more than a month so after the first stalk of flower die you can poke haha poke sounds funny , yeah poke another stalk of flower into the sponge. Very interesting concept I actually never seen this before . ( Flower : Lily )
Geometrical shapes leaves bending is some shit I never seen before too ! Note that the flowers aren't sunflower ! These are daisies (daisy ). Daisies do not produce edible seeds like sunflowers do. Sunflowers are usually bigger in size too !
Apologize for super unhealthy complexion . I sleep so late all the time , eyebags, dark circles are expected eh. Roses aren't red, my face looked horrible and you're pooped . See my rabbit ring .. HEH
Nothing special for this though . It's not too nice so I set it a small picture .
Okay I have this shirt in 3 colors don't ask anything. See below !
CARNATIONS ! FREAKIN' PRETTY I LOVE IT . They were in candy peach color looked so cozy flowers actually make me think that they're magical ! For myself I hold no preferences for flowers, I love flowers as much as I can but obviously no one realize it yet .
( Flowers are carnations and leaves are from Jasmine flower, believe it or not Jasmine flower smell so sweet that I could eat it raw )
Super pretty right, I have to admit I need to be cocky right now. I did an awesome job but this takes me like 100 hours to complete it. Special box provided for mother's day . Wishing from my heart hope to send this to my mom back home but I can't so I took a picture and send it to my sister to show it to my mom ! I gave this flower to my friend's mom eventually , I'm not a mom so why keep it when you can make someone else happy right ? Share the good things with people and you'll be loved !
There are few classes I missed and few classes with super old and nearly died flower so I don't fancy .
Another picture of me holding a stalk of rose. Not the same class but this is a Fabric dying class that make us dye our own fabric by using most natural method- plant. SO I GOT A ROSE . lol
As a fashion design poop student, I've experience a lot of weird, you call it funny, stupid , dumb activities and classes that I've never encountered before. It was fun sometimes but not all the time.
We were also asked to make shirts for Barbie . Topic depends on object you get , I got an death vader and it was freaking hard to think of anything. It wasn't a good inspiring object it's all black and creepy. Don't wanna show the process HAHA but the overall picture is here ! ( not mine only )
MODELS : Barbie, Ken, Blythe, Licca
Barbie as in Barbie, Ken as in the only male doll in there, Blythe is the most-cutest-est doll with big ass head and tiny body , Licca looks just like Barbie but she look younger, Barbie looks more mature. 2 Liccas stand right above of the letter 'BIE' see it yet ? Oh and Licca are more asian ( Japanese ) Barbie are usually white or sometimes she comes in black too ! Ken looks like Zac Efron I can't resist to see him more LOL
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